Thursday, October 16, 2014

First time Blogger!

So, this is my first time trying this whole "blogging thing."  Anyway, for starters I will introduce myself. 

So my name is Mindy.  I've been married to my husband since 2009 and we have 2 of the most gorgeous sons God could have blessed us with, ages 4 and 20 months.  We also have a fur baby that we adopted in 2008.  He is a Golden Retriever/collie mix.  The boys love him, he doesn't love the boys.  We sound like the typical American family right...married with 2 kids and a dog, but here is the kicker...My hubs and I are both cops!  Now we can throw normal out of the window since our lives are anything but.

When we found out we were pregnant with our second child, my husband had the opportunity to switch to the Civil Division at his department which gained him a Monday through Friday 8-4:30 job with weekends and holidays off.  He's pretty lucky right...not so much.  He has had to step up and play Mr. Mom when I work nights so he becomes mom for the night rotation.  He gets the bathe them, feed them, and put them to bed.  I couldn't ask for a more wonderful man in my life. 

My husband served in the USMC Infantry and was deployed twice, the first deployment being to Nasiriya, Iraq during the initial Iraqi invasion.  His unit suffered heavy losses and saw things that 21 year old men don't need to see.  This haunts him to this day.  We were finally able to get him a PTSD diagnosis and he began receiving treatment through the VA.  He is much better now, but we struggle.  His memory suffers a lot and this in turn causes a lot of frustration for him but all I can do it be there for him. Thank goodness he loves to work out and take care of himself, it gives him an outlet for any pain he is feeling inside and gives him a healthy way to let it out.

My boys...  they are just the best thing since sliced bread, but they could NOT be any more different if I tried.  Our 4 year old is super hyper, can't sit still, and is 100% boy.  The amount of stress this child causes cannot be put in to words.  Nothing like walking in to the living room while cooking dinner to see him (2.5 at the time) standing on the arm of the couch with 2 cushions below. I walked in just in time to hear "I'm Superman" and jumped!  Thank goodness he hit the pillows and he got right back up.  We've not always been so lucky...he has had his share of ER visits but nothing ever more than stitches needed.  Our 4 year old started pre-school this year and got glasses.  Lots of changes.  I can honestly say that I wasn't upset when he started school and I had to try not to smirk at all the SAHM crying as they walked away from the classroom.  I guess it didn't bother me since the boys have been in daycare since they were 8 weeks old.

Our lil guy...He is the sweetest child I have ever met.  He melts my heart when he smiles with his big dimples and shaggy blonde hair (that he was born with.)  He is always happy.  He goes to bed happy and he wakes up happy.  The only time he isn't happy is when it comes to food.  That boy LOVES to eat.  I would certainly have 6 more of him if we could afford it, but sadly we cannot. 

As far as I am concerned... I earned a B.S in Criminology and a B.S. in Sociology in 2007.  I was lucky enough to graduate with Cum Laude Honors.  I went to the police academy in 2007 and was hired with my current department before I graduated.  It was great not having to worry about finding a job.  I am one of 2 women in my department, so its fun.  I was the only one for about 4 years.  I don't mind.  If it wasn't for this job, I would not have met my husband.  We met in jail.  Yes you read that right.  We met in jail.  GASP!  I was dropping prisoners off to his department for housing and he finally gained the courage to come talk to me.  He came to me, kicked his feet back and forth like a shy guy, and started talking.  The rest is history.  He proposed 4 months later.  We told that story at our Catholic Engaged Encounter and you should have seen the look of horror on the faces of these "Good Catholic Kids."  Then we explained it, yet there was one couple in there that shook their head in agreement making us think they really did meet in jail, as inmates.  oops.

So I can't really post specifics about my job because I just can't.  But I will try to chronicle my boring life as a part time SAHM and a full time working woman.  For instance, lil guy had his PAT 18 month screening yesterday.  He excelled, which I knew he would.  There was a parents playgroup afterwards.  We shall not be going back.  It was evident they were all SAHM and had already formed their "group"  I sat next to them and not one effort was made by anyone to make me feel welcome.  I guess this is what being the new kid in school feels like.  To make matters worse, some of the kids were down right mean and their mothers said nothing to them.  One child, who was about lil guys size, took toys away from everyone and proceeded to slap, punch, and push my boy while his mother said NOTHING.   I made my way over to him and pulled lil guy away and gently told the other boy "no hit" and still nothing from his mother.  I let my boys explore and I don't hover, but I will not let another child beat up on my kid while his mother says nothing to him.  We work out at the YMCA and the boys go to child watch where they play with other kids, plus they go to daycare when I work so I think it's safe to say they are socialized.

As much as I love my job, it has made me so skeptical of people.  I don't trust a lot of people and I don't have a lot of friends.  Several of my friends introduce me as "Mindy, my cop friend."  I know this happens but you don't see people introduce their friend as "Susie, the teacher" or "Jessie the hairstylist."  Why does that have to be a thing.  I don't know.  We have gotten close as a couple to another couple from my husband's VFW post which is awesome.  I knew them both in high school and we always got along, but weren't in the 'Hanging out" crowd.  They have never introduced us as cops...I like that.  I also have 280 of the coolest girlfriends ever.  While on an "Exclusively Pumping (breastmilk)" group on Facebook I was introduced to the "February Mommies."  These are the most loving and supportive group of women ever.  We are mommies that were pregnant with due dates in February 2013.  There has been loss and heartache for some mommas, but there have been many rainbows after the loss.  I have been honored and blessed to meet many of these mommies.  While almost all conversations have been behind a computer screen or text messaging, none of the mommy meets have been at all weird.  We just get each other.  We were even blessed to stay with someone whose family has become near and dear to my heart through this group when we vacationed to SoCal.  The Guth's allowed us to stay in their RV in their driveway for a whole week.  It was awesome and we were so sad to leave, but we know that it isn't goodbye, it was just "see ya later"

Hopefully I can entertain y'all with my boring little life and I will try my best to post once a week on here or more if I need to!

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